Thursday, May 22, 2014

Another Day in Paradise

Mankind is a very interesting existence. The mere idea of existence itself amuses me. What does it mean to be something? On another note, what would it mean to be nothing? If the universe is rapidly expanding at an accelerated rate, then does that not imply that one point in this thing we call time, was there nothing? I would have to say so. For those that believe in a higher power, they would have you believe that higher power existed on another plane of existence and started this whole situation at some point a long, long time ago.

For many people, the idea of not understanding something scares them. They gather their opinions, opinions evolve into beliefs, and before long they become a reflection of what they believe. Does this mean that everyone is correct in some relative way? I would like to say no. Our existence is a testament to the fact that there is an absolute truth. The path and history that has led up to the very moment you read this has been set in stone. It happened, and if time is relative for reasons I do not yet understand, and there are alternate dimensions of time in which different universes and lifeforms exist, then there is yet still an absolute truth that describes how things are. Often times to understand what it means to be an absolute truth we must first take a step back and understand the meta-truths that allow the relative truth to be relative in the first place. However, this discussion is not why I am here.

Really, I am only here currently to express my thoughts. There are many ideas and thought processes that run through my head and never see the light of day. The thoughts that I think need to be thought of more by mankind. Luckily, I am blessed to be in a situation where I can give my mind peace on this earth. My body is healthy, my brain is healthy, and I have the ability to meditate. Is this not why we have brains? I think that we were meant to understand more than what is put directly in front of us, and to do that I think we must take the time to analyze who we are inwardly as a people, and allow our curiosity to drive us to understand our world, the universe, and even beyond.

Recently I have become immersed in our current understanding of the universe and comprehending how vast this universe is. Why is the universe so big? Before this universe were there others? If God has no concept of time and operates on a set of dimensions and plane of existence separate from our own, are there other universes now? The more common question lies in the subject of the existence of life elsewhere in the universe now.

Let's take a look at where we stand in our universe today. It is very difficult for us to comprehend the scale, but we must at the least try to get any further. A gross estimate of the size of the galaxy we live in, the Milky Way, is 100,000 light years. That means that it take light 100,000 years to travel from one side of our galaxy to the other. When you look out into the night sky, you are only seeing a small subset of the billions of stars that exist in our own galaxy. The solar system we know is just a speck on the edge of the Milky Way, and any of the other billions of stars in our galaxy could, and likely do, have planets of their own surrounding them. Now, in terms of other galaxies, it has also been said that for each star in our own galaxy another galaxy exists, which could be anywhere from 200 to 400 billion. These numbers may not be correct, but the sheer vastness the size implies still drives the point home: We are tiny fish in a seemingly infinite sea.

This is where I stand. I myself am a Christian and seek to try and understand how God plays his part in this whole situation we call life. Successive posts will dive deeper into these kinds of subjects and allow me to reflect the musings I have typically kept to myself to the outside world. Hopefully we can all learn something out of this, and I can seek to gain a new sense of transparency to the world around me. In a world so small and a universe so large, there is really no sense in keeping things to myself.